Ep 30 - Engaging After Trauma - The Royal Commission into the Christchurch Mosques Attack, with Chris Mene

Ep 30 - Engaging After Trauma - The Royal Commission into the Christchurch Mosques Attack, with Chris Mene

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What facilitators can do to prepare themselves for work in trauma settings.

  • The importance of understanding the current context (and how you can do this).

  • How understanding ourselves is crucial for being effective in conversations about trauma.

  • Why emotional limits are important (and how to establish them).

SUMMARY EPISODE - Human Learning Systems for Aotearoa New Zealand, with Dr. Toby Lowe

SUMMARY EPISODE - Human Learning Systems for Aotearoa New Zealand, with Dr. Toby Lowe

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is Human Learning Systems? And where did this approach come from?

  • How do we translate Human Learning Systems into language that makes sense in New Zealand - or do we build our own?

  • Why it’s important to be ‘human to each other’ in a public service setting.

  • The importance of experimenting to create effective local solutions.

  • Thoughts on how we can invest our time and energy centrally vs. locally.

Ep 29 - Human Learning Systems for Aotearoa New Zealand, with Dr. Toby Lowe

Ep 29 - Human Learning Systems for Aotearoa New Zealand, with Dr. Toby Lowe

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is Human Learning Systems? And where did this approach come from?

  • How do we translate Human Learning Systems into language that makes sense in New Zealand - or do we build our own?

  • Why it’s important to be ‘human to each other’ in a public service setting.

  • The importance of experimenting to create effective local solutions.

  • Thoughts on how we can invest our time and energy centrally vs. locally.

Ep 27 - Where to next for Community-Led Development? - with Megan Courtney

Ep 27 - Where to next for Community-Led Development? - with Megan Courtney

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The nature of cycles, and how we shouldn’t get too stuck on the exciting stuff in the beginning when the real work comes with pushing through.

  • How structural response without changing mindsets and practices can only take us so far.

  • Why it’s important to think of different ways of enabling participation in what you’re doing.

  • How you might authentically grow and nurture a Tangata Tiriti organisation.

Ep 25 - Local Decision Making, with Judene Edgar

Ep 25 - Local Decision Making, with Judene Edgar

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of scoping the actual problem, instead of finding solutions for the symptoms.

  • Why it’s important to forge real interpersonal relationships with your community - get out there!

  • How to keep yourself healthy and well when you’re driven by service.

  • Why the right media and realistic expectations go a long way to building trust and understanding in your community.

Ep 23 - The Power of Curiosity, with Breanna McQuade

Ep 23 - The Power of Curiosity, with Breanna McQuade

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why a little mystery can go a long way when inviting people to engage with you

  • The importance of defining the ‘container’ for codesign or social innovation

  • Why systems thinking and codesign can be so challenging for people to grapple with (and how to help people through that)

  • The value of being open about emotions and creating space for them at work (especially when things are super busy).

Ep 21 - How to Create a Workplace Where Everybody Belongs - with Zoe Brownlie

Ep 21 -  How to Create a Workplace Where Everybody Belongs - with Zoe Brownlie

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • Why belonging should be the central focus in organisations and communities.

  • The number one thing that any organisation and community can do to create belonging… that won’t cost a fortune.

  • How you can easily build a case for investing in belonging in your organisation.

  • How to create belonging at your next party 🎉

  • Why conversations about flexible working or the 4 Day Work Week might provide a starting point for a bigger conversation about belonging.

Ep 20 - For the Love of Community Engagement - with Becky Hirst

Ep 20 -  For the Love of Community Engagement - with Becky Hirst

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What’s missing in community engagement practice right now

  • What is the “goosebumps" measure of impact

  • Why we need our decision-makers to stay for more than just the photo-shoot

  • What citizen-centric engagement actually looks like (with lots of stories of this in action)

  • Why you need to go where the people are!

And so much more. Seriously, this episode is packed full of value and we can’t recommend Becky’s book highly enough.

Ep 19 - Collective Impact with An Aotearoa Flavour - with Israel Hawkins

Ep 19 - Collective Impact with An Aotearoa Flavour - with Israel Hawkins

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • The Māori approach of inclusivity. - going beyond the mainstream.

  • The missing first step of Collective Impact: Connection and agreement.

  • The impact of preconceptions and judgements when jumping in to solve “issues”.

  • The journey of establishing the Collective Impact Group - Waka Whakamua.

  • How each person at the table brings their value in how they contribute to the community.

  • What happens when you combine Community Led Development Principles and Collective Impact Methodologies.

Ep 18 - What's Your Social Value? - with Megan Shove

Ep 18 - What's Your Social Value? - with Megan Shove

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • Social Value, Social Accounting, and Social Return on Investment. Going beyond the terms to get familiar with how these mindsets and methodologies approach impact evaluation with heart.

  • Where does one start with impact evaluation?

  • The seven guiding principles of Social Value.

  • Putting monetary value on the work you’re doing and the impact you’re creating.

Ep 16 - Virtually Productive - with Paul McGregor

Ep 16 - Virtually Productive - with Paul McGregor

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • The simple mistake that dooms many virtual meetings right from the moment people login

  • What evolutionary psychology can teach us about how to open virtual meetings

  • Why we crave (and need) connection if we are to do good work together virtually

  • The value of contrast in virtual meetings - to ensure people are awake and engaged

  • What tools you can add into the mix to prevent your virtual meetings from lapsing into a lecture.

BONUS Episode - The Real Risks and Costs of Status Quo Engagement - with Helen Grant

BONUS Episode - The Real Risks and Costs of Status Quo Engagement - with Helen Grant

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • Perseverance and resilience pays off.

  • How engagement within your organisation informs you about your engagement outside of the organisation.

  • Reframing and shifting which risks we perceive.

  • Trusting your community to share their voice can add more value than we may believe.

  • Some astronomical numbers … the cost and wasted impact when communities aren’t engaged effectively.

Ep 15 - How Can We Get Economic Development Working For Everyone? - with Dr. David Wilson

Ep 15 -   How Can We Get Economic Development Working For Everyone? - with Dr. David Wilson

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • Why you should start by connecting to the whakapapa (the genealogy and history) of place and people.

  • The importance of deliberately distributing power to the right level (what David calls the principle of subsidiarity).

  • Why the regional level (rather than a local or national level) is often most powerful way to think about economic development.

  • How you can support economic development across a region.

  • How to encourage collaboration across communities.

Ep 14 - Beyond Sticky Notes - Co-design - with Kelly Ann McKercher

Ep 14 - Beyond Sticky Notes - Co-design - with Kelly Ann McKercher

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • The three M’s of co-design - movement, mindset, and methods

  • The difference between commercial-driven “design” and socially-driven “codesign”

  • The four levels of design (at, for, with, led by)

  • Why you should pay people from their participation in your codesign process (and alternatives to financial payment)

  • Getting honest with yourself: Are you the right person to be working on the project/in this particular space?

Ep 13 - Shifting Auckland Council's Culture of Engagement - with Helen Grant

Ep 13 -  Shifting Auckland Council's Culture of Engagement - with Helen Grant

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What to consider when shifting the entire culture of engagement in your organisation

  • How to build the connections between online and offline engagement, no matter your organisation’s size

  • The nitty gritty of what Auckland Council did to embed community engagement across the whole organisation

  • The potential for participatory budgets to help citizens understand the challenges of your organisation’s work

  • Plus strap yourself in for an Auckland Council tale about the community politely giving the Council a wake-up call…