Ep 12 - Engaging through Smart Cities, Digital Twins, and Regulations as Code - with Sean Audain

Ep 12 - Engaging through Smart Cities, Digital Twins, and Regulations as Code - with Sean Audain

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What on earth are smart cities, digital twins, and regulations as code…

  • How to leverage these high-tech sounding jargon so communities can make the world a better place.

  • Empowering stories on how Wellington City Council has taken quick action due to data being used in an accessible and interactive way.

  • A smart and practical suggestion to dig deeper into this type of innovation in a low risk and fun way.

Ep 11 - Embedding Engagement in Your Organisation's DNA - with Paul McGregor

Ep 11 - Embedding Engagement in Your Organisation's DNA - with Paul McGregor

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What this new model is all about and how to implement it into your organisation, in easy-bite size chunks.

  • Why building community capability is essential to the success of future projects.

  • Stopping at training isn’t enough to build trusting relationships and engagement with your community.

  • The four core pillars that will enable your organisation to do good community engagement .

Ep 10 - Online Community Engagement - with Bang the Table co-founder Matthew Crozier

Ep 10 - Online Community Engagement - with Bang the Table co-founder Matthew Crozier

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is a “community engagement platform”? And why would my organisation need one?

  • How to embed digital engagement across your organisation

  • The benefits of a “digital-first” engagement approach - which may throw out many of your assumptions about what good engagement looks like

  • how to avoid the common pitfalls of digital engagement, like managing your data and involving communities who aren’t digitally-savvy

  • Plus we look in our crystal ball at the future of online community engagement.

Ep 9 - The Five Wai's (Not Why's) of Māori Engagement, with Atawhai Tibble

Ep 9 - The Five Wai's (Not Why's) of Māori Engagement, with Atawhai Tibble

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The value of a Māori navigator - and where to find them if you don’t know them yet

  • How to push back on unrealistic timeframes set by people above you in the food chain

  • How to use Atawhai’s Five Wai’s Framework to get prepared before you leave the office

  • The magic and importance of cups of teas

  • The magic of Atawhai’s storytelling… from marae science (“it’s not rocket science mate”) to a story about a missing cloak.

Ep 8 - On Strategy, with Alicia McKay

Ep 8 - On Strategy, with Alicia McKay

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The two big reasons why we find strategy so hard

  • Some major legislative reform that might have escaped your attention in the craziness of 2020

  • Why most training and professional development is doomed to fail (and what you can do to ensure your investment is worth its while)

  • How senior leaders can work less and achieve more, through the arena-driven story model.

Ep 7 - What's the Future of Local Government? with Mike Reid

Ep 7 - What's the Future of Local Government? with Mike Reid

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The positive changes in council diversity over the last few decades (which may surprise you)

  • The importance of one little word - “by” - in the Local Government Act that sometimes gets forgotten

  • What’s happening with the Localism Project which Mike has been leading. Localism is about locals having power and resources to do good things in their community. But in NZ we have the most centralised government finances of any country in the OECD! Mike explains why that's a problem and a pathway for making change.

  • Plus there’s a story about how rats are bringing a new element of competition to a community in Wellington!

Ep 6 - Creating Space for Social Innovation When You're Already Busy, with Paul Brown

Ep 6 - Creating Space for Social Innovation When You're Already Busy, with Paul Brown

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How your organisation can disrupt the status quo to socially innovate and invest. And how to navigate the challenges that come with this.

  • Why philanthropic, donation-based funding is already on the way out - and how you can move to a new model based on investing for impact.

  • The secrets that allow non-profits to experiment and push for change. It starts with permission to fail… but there’s more to it than that.

  • The power of changing your physical location, and how intentionally changing spaces to be part of an innovative ecosystem might allow your organisation to be more impactful.

Ep 5 - Youth Codesign and Participation, with Fran McEwen

Ep 5 - Youth Codesign and Participation, with Fran McEwen

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to create safe environments to codesign - especially with young people.

  • How putting co-design in the centre of your organisation will lead to greater impact (and the importance of letting go of your assumptions).

  • The value in starting small and setting boundaries when innovating. We explore this through the story of the Innovation for Young Women Design Challenge.

Ep 4 - How Can Codesign Reduce Costs? with Dr Jo Cribb

Ep 4 - How Can Codesign Reduce Costs? with Dr Jo Cribb

In this motivational episode, you’ll learn:

  • How you can build a career around the areas of change you want to see in the world (and the surprising benefits of taking this path)

  • How going beyond consultation is often the cost-effective option, even if you may not first think so

  • What the codesign process actually looked like to develop the National Action Plan for Community Governance (and the reasons this was so effective)

  • How you can build the case for codesign within your organisation (and yes… the answer involves a little bit of codesign!)

Ep 1 - Rethinking Your Service Delivery Model, with David Hammond

Ep 1 - Rethinking Your Service Delivery Model, with David Hammond

Welcome to the first episode of the podcast, recorded in week 2 of the COVID-19 lockdown. It’s a different world out there - one where you cannot walk out the door to engage your communities or collaborate with other organisations.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What you need to watch out for as power gets handed to centralised agencies during the COVID lockdown

  • How you might enable communities to take ownership of their futures

  • How a story of community empowerment on the Thames Coromandel might support changes in your local community

  • What are the two key leadership traits you need to thrive in this time of uncertainty.