Ep 10 - Online Community Engagement - with Bang the Table co-founder Matthew Crozier

Matthew Crozier Bang the Table - Beyond Consultation podcast cover image

Introducing Matthew Crozier

After years of working in and around government in both Australia and the UK, Matthew co-founded Bang the Table to apply technology to the problem of connecting people with the issues that affect their lives.

He had seen how the same people would respond to government consultations, time and time again. And he figured that technology must be able to help scale up community engagement.

And he was right.

Since 2007, Bang the Table has connected with millions of people on behalf of hundreds of clients in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada and the USA. And they’re only just getting started.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What is a “community engagement platform”? And why would my organisation need one?

  • How to embed digital engagement across your organisation

  • The benefits of a “digital-first” engagement approach - which may throw out many of your assumptions about what good engagement looks like

  • how to avoid the common pitfalls of digital engagement, like managing your data and involving communities who aren’t digitally-savvy

  • Plus we look in our crystal ball at the future of online community engagement.

Resources mentioned in this episode

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The Beyond Consultation Podcast will help you to do more than just tick the box of consultation. It’s the podcast for purpose-driven professionals who want to increase their collective impact.

You'll hear stories of people working together on challenges that no single person or organisation can address on its own. You'll hear about the mindsets, the methods, the failures, and the lessons learned - all with the goal of increasing the collective impact you're making in your work.

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