Ep 16 - Virtually Productive - with Paul McGregor

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Re-Introducing Paul McGregor

If you want to get Paul fired up, send him to a 3 hour online meeting where nobody says anything except for one or two presenters.

Watch him squirm as the presenter reads from Powerpoint slides with size 10 font and clip-art illustrations.

See him grit his teeth as everybody else pulls out their phones to find a distraction. As the presenter acts surprised at the lack of audience participation. As finally, a participant pipes up in frustration part-way through the presentation.

Yes, Paul is passionate about groups achieving more together by drawing on everybody’s wisdom and energy. Paul is here to guide you to collaborate with your community - whether that’s online or offline.

You can reach out and connect with Paul via LinkedIn.

In today’s episode you’ll learn

  • The simple mistake that dooms many virtual meetings right from the moment people login

  • What evolutionary psychology can teach us about how to open virtual meetings

  • Why we crave (and need) connection if we are to do good work together virtually

  • The value of contrast in virtual meetings - to ensure people are awake and engaged

  • What tools you can add into the mix to prevent your virtual meetings from lapsing into a lecture.

Resources mentioned in this episode

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The Beyond Consultation Podcast will help you to do more than just tick the box of consultation. It’s the podcast for purpose-driven professionals who want to increase their collective impact.

You'll hear stories of people working together on challenges that no single person or organisation can address on its own. You'll hear about the mindsets, the methods, the failures, and the lessons learned - all with the goal of increasing the collective impact you're making in your work.

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