BONUS Episode - The Real Risks and Costs of Status Quo Engagement - with Helen Grant

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Introducing a cheeky Bonus Episode

In Episode 13 we were joined by the empowering Helen Grant from Auckland City Council. We went through the Council’s journey shifting their culture of engagement. From how things used to be and what the culture of engagement with their community looks like now.

Behind the scenes, Helen discussed even more about what it took to develop the culture of engagement in Council and navigating the perceptions of risk with using digital tools to engage.

So, we wanted to share Helen’s extra golden nuggets with you in this Bonus Episode!

It may be shorter in length, but it’s certainly not short in impact.

In today’s episode you’ll learn

  • Perseverance and resilience pays off. Literally.

  • How engagement within your organisation informs you about your engagement outside of the organisation.

  • Reframing and shifting which risks we perceive.

  • Trusting your community to share their voice can add more value than we may believe.

  • Some astronomical numbers … the cost and wasted impact when communities aren’t engaged effectively.

Resources mentioned in this episode

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The Beyond Consultation Podcast will help you to do more than just tick the box of consultation. It’s the podcast for purpose-driven professionals who want to increase their collective impact.

You'll hear stories of people working together on challenges that no single person or organisation can address on its own. You'll hear about the mindsets, the methods, the failures, and the lessons learned - all with the goal of increasing the collective impact you're making in your work.

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