The Reframe Programme

Grow your motivation and capability for changing the way your organisation works with the communities you serve.

Expressions of interest open for our 2023 cohort. Timing to be confirmed.


After Reframe, you’ll walk away with:

Recognition of your systems change superpowers, including how to harness your unique power, upbringing, beliefs and position.

New strategies for influencing change in the face of scepticism, risk-aversion and change fatigue within your organisation.
Instead of “fighting battles” you’ll learn to patiently grow the conditions for change.

The motivation to embrace the ups and downs of influencing systems change, no matter the beliefs and behaviours around you.


Together, let’s reframe your role in enabling systems change

You strive for the permission, space and resources to work in a different way with communities.

But you feel constrained by the people and processes around you.

You’re tired of seeing communities “done to”.

Spending time down in the weeds on symptoms.

Constantly battling to prove your value.

Fighting against a risk-averse culture within your organisation.

Some days it just feels too hard.

That’s totally normal.

But you shouldn’t have to trudge on alone.

Reframe is here to help.


What’s included?



The heart of the programme. A community of peers who also want to reframe how their organisation works with the people they serve.


A mixture of written, audio and video content will inspire you to reframe the challenges you face.


You will be encouraged to push your comfort zone by testing out new frameworks, tools or resources. 


Sometimes you can’t see the wood for the trees. 1:1 coaching will help you to identify your limiting beliefs and how to shift these.


It’s FOR YOU if:

✅ You’re 5+ years into your career of working to improve community wellbeing

✅ You feel constrained by the beliefs and behaviours in your community or public sector organisation

✅ You wish your organisation spent more time “working with” rather than “doing to” the people you serve

✅ You love consuming content on community-led change and you wish you had a group of peers to bounce ideas off

✅ You feel held back by bureaucratic processes, internal culture, or risk aversion

✅ You’re looking for inspiration and encouragement to try some brave new approaches.


It’s NOT FOR YOU if:

❌ You’re looking for a simple cookie-cutter process you can copy and paste into your work

❌ You’re happy with the status quo and tinkering around the edges

❌ You’re not up for being stretched in your work at this time

❌ You already have the solutions and just want to learn how to convince others to adopt your point of view.


What will the programme cover?



Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua.
I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past

We’ll begin by connecting with each other, exploring your power, and sharing your hopes for this programme.

  1. Making connections - with yourself, with each other 

  2. Exploring differences - unpacking our power, privilege and difference

  3. Setting goals - individually and as a collective

  4. Exploring how we will work together to create an impactful learning experience



He moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka
A choppy sea can be navigated by a waka

Together we’ll reframe how you show up in this work by exploring:

  1. Your systems superpower - identifying the strengths you bring to this work

  2. Your beliefs - exploring the enabling and limiting beliefs that impact your actions

  3. Your systems perspective - moving from “either/or” to “both/and” thinking

  4. Your sphere of influence - identifying the opportunities for influencing in your network

  5. Your place - exploring your relationship to the land and the people you serve.



Ehara taku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitini
Success is not that of mine alone, but of many

Along with your strengthened inner foundation, we will also explore how to guide others through uncertainty and change:

  1. Uncovering the conditions for change in your organisation

  2. Growing your capability to influence at different levels

  3. Strengthening the way you talk about systems change

  4. Creating space for brave conversations within your organisation that help others to work with uncertainty and change.



Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou
Seek after learning for the sake of your wellbeing

What’s next?

  1. Reflecting on your progress throughout the programme

  2. Identifying your next steps for growth

  3. Co-creating an ongoing community to continue to learn and grow together.


Introducing Paul, your guide


I’ve been where you are. 

Working in a large organisation that addresses symptoms, not causes. 

Where people don’t understand the value of working with the people you serve. 

Where learning-by-doing is the exception, not the norm.

To be honest, back then, I couldn’t handle it.

I lacked the knowledge, skills and frameworks for understanding how to influence change within that context.

The expectations I put on my shoulders were unrealistic. And I didn’t have a community to support me in influencing change.

Gradually, I felt more and more lonely. 

And I left feeling frustrated with my lack of impact.

This is the programme I wish I had at that time.

Our mission at Business Lab is to change the way organisations work with the people they serve.

We want to help you to work on the underlying conditions that keep problems in place. Our team is here to accelerate your learning and your impact.

With a community at your side, together we can shift how our systems meet the needs of communities and whānau.

Also just want to say – I was buzzing the entire session at how AWESOME it was (you always run a bloody good workshop) and also how absolutely bang on this is in terms of our needs to gain this upskilling & the timing upon which we are getting it.
— Calvin Buttimore, Sport Bay of Plenty

Applied learning is what makes Reframe unique

Let’s be honest - you’re hungry for growth. You’re always on the lookout for professional development opportunities.

Leadership programmes. MBAs. Masters of Public Policy. Mentoring programmes. One-off community engagement or codesign courses.

What makes Reframe unique is our focus on applied learning within your specific context.

Our aim is to support YOU to create the conditions to transform your impact at work.

University courses overwhelm you with theory and content. It’s up to you to sift through the noise and figure out how it applies.

One-off courses give you a hit of inspiration that rarely gets applied. When you return to your real world of work, you rarely have a chance to apply what you’ve learned.

With Reframe, you will be supported to apply what you’re learning. And we’ll continuously adapt the learning experience to suit your learning preferences.

Paul is someone who understands collaboration and brings the whole of his diverse experience to bear on the challenge - and can tackle challenges of many different shapes.
— Penny Hagen, Director, Auckland Codesign Lab

What’s the value?


Valued at $1,800

9 x 90 minute weekly group video calls, each based on a particular practice or challenge.

These will ensure you stay connected to the group, accountable to your goals, while also deepening your understanding of how to reframe your organisation’s work.


Valued at $1,500

9 weeks of inspirational, snack-sized content

Whether you learn through visuals, words, conversations or actions - there will be something for everyone.


Valued at $200

An online community platform

This is your place to ask questions, access resources, share wins and connect with others going through similar challenges.


Valued at $500

Optional weekly challenges, with easy-to-follow worksheets.

These will encourage and support you to apply what you’re learning.


COACHING (optional)
Valued at $1,000

5 x 1:1 coaching sessions designed to address limiting beliefs.

You can use these to work on your mindset, as an accountability tool, or to deepen your understanding of the content.


Total value
$5,000 (with coaching)
$3,800 (without coaching)

Enjoy a discounted rate for this first programme

As a participant in the first prototype of this programme, we want to offer you a 50% discount on the full value - just $2,500 (ex GST) with coaching or $1,900 (ex GST) without coaching.

An 80% discount is available for people who identify as Māori or Pasifika - $1,000 (ex GST) for the programme with coaching or $760 (ex GST) without coaching.

If these fees are a barrier to your participation, we invite you to email us ( about other options.

The programme requires 10 people to go ahead, with a maximum of 15 people. There is a limit of 5 places with coaching.



 Frequently asked questions

  • We commence the journey on 11 July until 16 September. Our weekly 90 minute group calls are on Mondays from 11am/

  • You might spend anywhere between 1 hour and 3 hours, depending on what’s happening in your work life and the stage of the programme.

    In a week where you’re pressed for time, you might simply:

    • Check out the updates in the online community chat platform and respond to one or two things

    • Listen to a podcast on your way to work

    In a week with more time, you might:

    • Listen to a podcast episode and read an article

    • Spend an hour completing a worksheet on your own

    • Attend the 60-90 minute community hui

    • Try out something new in your work and post in the online chat platform sharing what you learned.

  • Communities of practice are only as good as the people who participate in them – it only works if you are there to be actively involved. We can’t be all kiwi about it and just lurk and listen the whole time!

    Many communities fall flat over time because no one takes responsibility for continuing to provoke the discussion and continue the momentum. That’s where the Business Lab team will play a role to ensure the community remains relevant and valuable for you.

  • In this first prototype, there will be a minimum of 10 people and a maximum of 15.

    We need the number to be small enough for whakawhanaungatanga (understanding how we relate to each other).

    And it needs to be big enough to create the vibe that comes from having diversity of ideas and experiences in the room.

  • You will be encouraged to experiment at a level that is comfortable for you and your situation.

    Reflection and action are like yin and yang. You can’t reflect without taking action. And you can’t act well without reflecting.

    Yet we understand that everybody’s situation is different. For some people, the timing will fall into place and they’ll have lots of opportunities for learning by trying new things. For others, it might be harder to try new things right now.

  • It depends. Coaching only works if there is a specific purpose; otherwise it’s just a good chat.

    There are three questions to ask yourself to figure out if coaching will be beneficial for you:

    1. What level of change are you seeking within yourself? If you need to look ‘under the hood’ at the behaviours and beliefs you bring to work, then coaching will be immensely valuable.

    2. How effective are you at holding yourself accountable to goals? If you suspect you might need additional support and accountability, then the coaching is there for you.

    3. How fast you are at picking up new concepts on your own? If you are a social learner who needs to talk out loud to understand concepts, then the coaching will be invaluable.

  • You will receive emails to let you know about anything you need to do.

    In summary, you will need to:

    • Complete the discover call

    • Get manager approval

    • Arrange the invoicing

    • Join the online community.

  • The value is in you learning by doing alongside a community of inspirational peers.

    This value is less about some magical new frameworks, resources or tools. You already have lots of those. Yes, you’ll learn more through this programme. But it’s not the main reason to sign up.

    If you want more information, just google it!

    If you want transformation, then this is the programme for you.

  • Talk to us. We will be adapting the programme as we go based on real-time feedback. If it’s not meeting your needs, we’ll change it.

    If your situation changes, please let us know early so we can figure out something together.

  • Yes, subject to our availability. There are only 5 coaching spots available. You also won’t receive the 50% discounted rate.

  • If your situation changes, you can choose to either:

    • Postpone to the next cohort, at no additional cost.

    • Cancel as per the terms below.

    If you want to cancel within 15 or more days of the start date, you can get a full refund.

    If you want to cancel within 14 days of the start date, you can get a 50% refund.

    If you want to cancel within 7 days of the start date, you will not receive a refund.

    By “start date” we mean the date of the first Zoom workshop.

  • Send us an email to and we will get back to you within 24 hours!

    We invite you to book a discovery call in the meantime so we can connect and have an informal conversation about reframe.



If you’re ready to sign up or want to explore if Reframe is for you, we invite you to express your interest for 2023.