Ep 49 - What If 'No' Means 'Not Yet'? - The Talk It Up Unconference Wrap-Up

Ep 49 - What If 'No' Means 'Not Yet'? - The Talk It Up Unconference Wrap-Up

This episode is not one of our usual interviews with one or two people, but a collection of conversations from the first ever Talk It Up Unconference that I attended recently Hamilton. You’ll hear stories like:

  • How inspiration struck one council after an employee accidentally shared a phallic-shaped weather report on Facebook...

  • The power of reframing 'no' into 'not yet'

  • How we can harness the uniqueness of government where nobody is competing against each other.

Ep 46 - Understanding Impact Is Not Just About Data, with Maria English

Ep 46 - Understanding Impact Is Not Just About Data, with Maria English

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Impact measurement is not really about getting more or better data

  • Where to start with impact measurement - and that there’s no such thing as perfect

  • That impact measurement is not a one-off thing - it’s a learning process to help decisions ‘today’ that will improve what you do ‘tomorrow’

  • How to shift from a cost mindset to a value mindset in your approach to impact measurement.

Ep 45 - How to talk about systems change, with Jordan Green and Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw

Ep 45 - How to talk about systems change, with Jordan Green and Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How the potential for systems change already sits within the community itself.

  • The importance of creating a shared language so that everyone can understand the importance of thinking in systems rather than individual choices.

  • How it’s not so much about relearning, but exercising systems that already exist but have been buried.

Ep 42 - The Public Service Commissioners (or, A Pub With No Beer), with Craig Churchill

Ep 42 - The Public Service Commissioners (or, A Pub With No Beer), with Craig Churchill

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The value of having a strong operational leader to free up other people to explore the bigger systemic picture.

  • How to grow your partnership aspirations through small everyday actions that add up over time

  • The reality of the new Public Service Commissioner role (which Craig calls a “pub with no beer”)

  • How government can play an enabling role for iwi Māori to serve their whānau needs.

Ep 41 - Mass digital participation, with Simon Wright

Ep 41 - Mass digital participation, with Simon Wright

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why the ‘hub-and-spoke’ model of consultation causes disconnect and why you should move away from it

  • That the public is tired of consultation and hungry for more authentic ways of talking and working with institutions

  • Why we should stop trying to make it easy and fast for the public to engage with institutions

  • How digital tools can help us to have open dialogues with more people to uncover new ideas and ways of thinking.

  • How to step up your digital engagement to allow people to build on each other’s ideas instead of having a two-way conversation with only your organisation.

Ep 40 - The Southern Initiative and The Power of Community-Led, with Gael Surgenor

Ep 40 - The Southern Initiative and The Power of Community-Led, with Gael Surgenor

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • That leaders need to be space makers, and not take up space instead - an attitude we should be fostering more.

  • The differences between the planning approach and the living systems approach.

  • How social entrepreneurial skills can help to move a project forward and why it’s important to seek those skills out.

  • That using what you already have and leveraging it in a new way can be more effective than starting new.

Ep 39 - The Waikato Wellbeing Project with Harvey Brookes

Ep 39 - The Waikato Wellbeing Project with Harvey Brookes

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How structure, relationship, permission and skills are all needed for people to work together.

  • Why listening to the voice of lived experience is so important to understanding your community.

  • That failure is okay and that it’s part of the process to finding solutions.

  • That facilitation is a supportive role and that we don’t need to know all the answers.

Ep 37 - How To Harness The Science of Human Instincts, with Andrew O'Keeffe

Ep 37 - How To Harness The Science of Human Instincts, with Andrew O'Keeffe

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to encourage the change you’re looking for by tapping into what we know about human instincts.

  • How to create an organisational culture based on human instincts and how to engage externally based on them

  • Examples of human instincts and how they play out in the workplace.

  • Tackling the myth that people resist change and diving into what instincts are really at play.

Ep 35 - Building an Engaging Organisation, with Michelle Feenan

Ep 35 - Building an Engaging Organisation, with Michelle Feenan

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What you might need to give up to become more effective with your community engagement

  • How to navigate conflict with community members (and the importance of letting go of your need to ‘have the answers’)

  • How to identify your own subconscious biases when engaging people from different cultures

  • How to identify your organisation’s values and stress test them to see how committed you really are to them.

Ep 33 - Do We Need Deep Democracy? with Max Rashbrooke

Ep 33 - Do We Need Deep Democracy? with Max Rashbrooke

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Facing the truth about New Zealand classes in society and exploring what it means for the individual within the community.

  • The challenge of facilitating new ideas in government in the face of historical distrust from communities.

  • How the long-term benefits of deliberative democracy far outweighs the (sense of) short-term loss of control for governments.

Ep 32 - Tikanga-led Codesign, with Kataraina Davis

Ep 32 - Tikanga-led Codesign, with Kataraina Davis

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How do Māori and European based ways of designing, engaging and innovating differ?

  • If you're working in a non-Māori organization, what is your personal role?

  • How important it is to role model relationship-building at all times

  • What partnership between Māori and non-Māori organisations can look like

  • How do we come to work being fully ourselves and whose responsibility is it to make this happen?

Ep 31 - When Your Cross-Sector Collaboration Needs A Refresh, with Henry Pavey

Ep 31 - When Your Cross-Sector Collaboration Needs A Refresh, with Henry Pavey

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What commonly holds back partnerships from achieving their potential

  • The benefits of thinking of your partnership like an organisation

  • Why your partnership probably needs an “engine room”

  • How you can turn around a partnership that is just muddling through - with a combination of qualitative and quantitative feedback sought anonymously before a meeting

  • The value of continually referring back to your vision and ground rules at the top of every meeting.