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Ep 17 - Lobbying is Not Dirty Politics! - with Holly Bennett

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Introducing Holly Bennett

Becoming a professional lobbyist may not be the most expected career path for… anyone.

Even Holly Bennett thought she’d be a Criminal Litigator. Until her career took a political turn and her interest in lobbying turned into a business.

Holly leads the way for what it means to be a professional lobbyist in a world that sees it as a dark art.

Her mission is to “unmask the government relations industry in Aotearoa so that everyone can have their voice heard” and she’s making this happen through her two businesses Engage and HSB.

Ko Ngongotahā te māunga
Ko Rotorua te roto
Ko Te Arawa te waka
Ko Tamatekapua tōku tīpuna
Ko Te Arawa tōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Whakaue me Ngāti Pikiao tōku hapū
Ko Ohinemutu tōku marae
Ko Holly Suzanne Bennett ahau.

In today’s episode you’ll learn

  • The truth about lobbying… is it really the dark art and dirty politics it’s made out to be?

  • What it takes to be a professional lobbyist

  • How a beginner can get started with lobbying to those in power and government

  • How looking after relationships is a core element of being a lobbyist

Resources mentioned in this episode

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