Improving Youth Wellbeing: A Collaboration Between Government, Young People and the Youth Sector

Improving Youth Wellbeing: A Collaboration Between Government, Young People and the Youth Sector

Ten different government agencies - all with different priorities and limited resources. How do you help them partner with young people to set some clear priorities for improving the lives of young people? That was our challenge with the Top of the South Impact Forum.

Smart+Connected Labour and Skills Programme

Smart+Connected Labour and Skills Programme

“Marlborough’s constricted labour market is starting to bite, and we think it’s time to bite back.” So read the tagline for the Smart+Connected Labour and Skills Programme. If you want to deeply understand how a council can partner with others to amplify its impact, this is the case study for you.

Business Improvement Districts with Wellington City Council

Business Improvement Districts with Wellington City Council

Business Lab has partnered with Wellington City Council on the establishment of three Business Improvement Districts. After four years of operation, the Council then asked us to assess the strengths of these BIDs and identify opportunities for improvement.

Collaborative Planning: The Nelson City Events Strategy

Collaborative Planning: The Nelson City Events Strategy

Nelson City Council approached Business Lab to support the creation of an Events Strategy for Nelson City. The purpose was to clarify the strategic aim and desired outcomes of events funding. By working with an Oversight Group, we helped to create a strategy that was accepted by the Council.

Future Education Vision: Supporting the Kerehana Community of Learning in Kelston

Future Education Vision: Supporting the Kerehana Community of Learning in Kelston

The Ministry of Education engaged us to support local Kelston principals to create an education vision with the community. Kelston is projected to face significant growth and changing demographics over the next 20 years. A new vision for education was needed to address these changing demands.