All Previous Episodes
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
How to shift power dynamics to create positive systems change.
Why it's essential that our whakapapa is at the core of everything we do.
How to weave equity into everything your organisation does.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
The power of a community leading and doing it for themselves.
Invest in the outcomes you want, but adjust your thinking in how to achieve those outcomes.
The work that REAP Aotearoa and Fab Feathy are doing in leading community development.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
What 'locally led, regionally supported and nationally enabled' really means and how this approach can positively impact communities.
What do we mean by 'creating the conditions for change'? (And why is that shift so important?)
How can we rebalance the relationship between government and community, bit by bit?
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
What is CQ and how can you grow yours
How Samoan governance is similar to Western governance (and how you can embrace that when working with Pasifika peoples)
Some hard-hitting practical tips for engaging with Pasifika communities.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
What research tells us about how to enable (or disable) good listening
How can we listen more intentionally, in hopes of gaining a deeper understanding.
How to navigate your own privilege (or challenge) in different contexts.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
How to connect with your Māori and Pasifika staff (and how not to treat them!)
What to do with your privileged position to support the aspirations of your Māori and Pasifika staff
How to honour the sovereignty of data about Pacific peoples.
In today's episode you'll learn:
Three Waters - we've all heard about it but what is it?
How Three Waters impacts Iwi in Aotearoa
The significance of engaging meaningfully with those communities most impacted by these changes
In today’s episode you’ll learn about:
The positive changes in council diversity over the last few decades (which may surprise you).
How important it is to use the right language when consulting with communities and councils.
Why it's important to allow space for more community-led decisions and consultations.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
What it means to be a good Treaty partner
What we do when we encounter racism and what breaking generational trauma means for tangata whenua
The deeper meaning behind the word whānau
Hautū Waka - where did it come from? How can you use it?
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
What is a “community engagement platform”? And why would my organisation need one?
How to embed digital engagement across your organisation
The benefits of a “digital-first” engagement approach
On today’s podcast, we dive into the topic of collective trauma with guest Louise Marra.
If you're skeptical about the relevance of trauma to your work, that's normal.
But Louise encourages us to create space for healing our collective trauma no matter what work you're involved in. And she shares some simple tips for giving this a go in a way that won't make people run for the hills.
Content warning - we talk about death in this episode
This episode includes a discussion about death. We put an optimistic and empowering lens on its role in our work lives. But if that's not something you feel like jumping into today, this might not be the episode for you.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
The truth about lobbying… is it really the dark art and dirty politics it’s made out to be?
What it takes to be a professional lobbyist
How a beginner can get started with lobbying to those in power and government
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
What the participatory cities approach looks like in action.
The practicality of participation driven communities.
How to customise the participatory cities approach to individual community needs.
How you can get started with this approach in your community.
In this episode, you'll hear from Israel Hawkins reflecting on how to take a kaupapa-Māori approach to collective impact. If you're intrigued by collective impact, but also hesitant about copying and pasting a North American approach in this country, you will love this throwback.
You can also hear the full conversation with Israel in episode 19 here.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
What a participatory cities approach looks like and how it has the potential to impact communities
Why the Participatory Cities team describe the approach as "a platform"
The positives outcomes from intentionally participating in your own communities and neighbourhoods and what that can look like
How we can learn from this approach in the UK and transform it to work within our own backyard.
In today’s episode you’ll learn:
Navigating transformation through the lens of a te ao Māori
The value of independent partners to guide in times of change and growth
The importance of keeping mana atuatanga at the heart of all we do
In this episode you’ll learn:
Why Pākehā need to spend more time crossing the bridge into te ao Māori to grow true partnership
The importance of listening (and that your first move shouldn’t be to research data but to talk to people)
What does good partnership look like? What are the features of it and how do you achieve it?
How Dame Whina Cooper’s legacy lives on in Lil Anderson today!
In this episode you’ll learn:
That diversity and inclusion are not the responsibility of politicians, but of everyone across all communities.
The challenge of reflecting upon what ‘belonging’ means to your personally.
How to create a safe environment for people to talk about intense personal topics and beliefs
What is the constellations approach to enabling change.
In this episode you’ll learn:
Why it’s not enough to have a strong “why” for your organisation or team
The deeper meaning of two common Māori words - aroha and manaakitanga
How strategy is about perception: taking a close look at distant things, and a distant look at close things.
The value of an independent partner to guide you through your transformation journey.
We are celebrating the 50th episode of the Beyond Consultation podcast!
In this episode you’ll learn:
Summaries of our top 3 most played episodes
'Excerpts form ‘hidden gem’ episodes
Top 5 tips on starting your own podcast, from our own experience
This episode is not one of our usual interviews with one or two people, but a collection of conversations from the first ever Talk It Up Unconference that I attended recently Hamilton. You’ll hear stories like:
How inspiration struck one council after an employee accidentally shared a phallic-shaped weather report on Facebook...
The power of reframing 'no' into 'not yet'
How we can harness the uniqueness of government where nobody is competing against each other.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
Are we questioning and discussing our current democratic system enough?
How the power of democracy should be demonstrated in the decisions that are being made - not just the elections that are held.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
The key to a good plan is understanding the why.
The idea that local government doesn’t always need to lead conversations, but rather create space for those discussions to happen.
The importance of listening, even when you don’t like the message.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
How the ide of singular purpose can be unhelpful and how honest reflection can often unlock the natural next steps.
The idea of power and thinking about how we can deploy our energies for good.
That being influential is not about having a certain style of doing things, but rather being intentional about the difference we want to make.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
Impact measurement is not really about getting more or better data
Where to start with impact measurement - and that there’s no such thing as perfect
That impact measurement is not a one-off thing - it’s a learning process to help decisions ‘today’ that will improve what you do ‘tomorrow’
How to shift from a cost mindset to a value mindset in your approach to impact measurement.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
How the potential for systems change already sits within the community itself.
The importance of creating a shared language so that everyone can understand the importance of thinking in systems rather than individual choices.
How it’s not so much about relearning, but exercising systems that already exist but have been buried.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
Addressing the myth that local government isn’t fun.
If less people engage in local politics, there will be fewer channels for people to be able to create the city that they want
The ineffectiveness of consulting communities in higher level, intangible language.
How we can bring in more creative ways to work with our communities.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
That building the muscles to sit with constant discomfort, will enable our systems to be uncomfortable enough to change.
How we need to be optimistic about the future, but also ruthlessly real about what it will take to get there.
The benefit of preparing for the point of resistance rather than viewing it as a failure when you reach it.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
The value of having a strong operational leader to free up other people to explore the bigger systemic picture.
How to grow your partnership aspirations through small everyday actions that add up over time
The reality of the new Public Service Commissioner role (which Craig calls a “pub with no beer”)
How government can play an enabling role for iwi Māori to serve their whānau needs.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
Why the ‘hub-and-spoke’ model of consultation causes disconnect and why you should move away from it
That the public is tired of consultation and hungry for more authentic ways of talking and working with institutions
Why we should stop trying to make it easy and fast for the public to engage with institutions
How digital tools can help us to have open dialogues with more people to uncover new ideas and ways of thinking.
How to step up your digital engagement to allow people to build on each other’s ideas instead of having a two-way conversation with only your organisation.