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Ep 22 - Real talk about Māori-Crown partnerships, with Kara Nepe-Apatu

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Introducing Kara Nepe-Apatu

Passionate about community, social justice and having the voices heard of those who are often overlooked, Kara Nepe-Apatu is outspoken and clear about where she feels the social conversation should go next.

Kara, who works at NZ Treasury, states on her LinkedIn bio that "My opinions are my own and do not reflect the position of the public service." But her opinions are garnering reaction - real and emotional reaction.

Recently, in a LinkedIn post, Kara shared her frustrations over the level of discussion around Māori-Crown relationships, claiming that it was still a basic, 101 type of conversation.

She wants more.

More ‘real talk’. Better partnership models and initiatives. Idea/collaboration hubs where iwi, communities, businesses and government can grow better partnerships.

She wants gnarly questions to be brought to the table - and many are agreeing with her.

So, how can we improve the conversations around Māori-Crown relationships? How do we go about ‘leveling up’ and finally getting to those tough and gnarly issues that are truly at the heart of the matter?

In this episode, Kara shares her passion for the issue and brings her ideas forward in an attempt to kick-start a new movement.

Connect with Kara Nepe-Apatu via LinkedIn here.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • Why people are craving discussions about the gnarly “how” of Māori partnerships

  • How to enable and support tino rangatiratanga (Māori rights to self-governance)

  • Some ‘bright lights’ we can look to for inspiration in Māori-Crown relationships

  • What’s coming next in this discussion about Māori-Crown relationships .

Resources mentioned in this episode

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