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Ep 12 - Engaging through Smart Cities, Digital Twins, and Regulations as Code - with Sean Audain

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Introducing Sean Audain

Growing up Sean wanted to be a chef. Fortunately for Wellington City, he instead became obsessed with how you can use technology to create thriving cities. He’s all about leveraging data so communities can make smarter and faster decisions.

Today Sean is part of the Innovations team at Wellington City Council.

His approach?

Pushing boundaries of how we can use technology to make data more accessible. Uncovering what’s really driving how a place forms and grows. Supporting a collaborative approach to developing solutions tailored to local issues and opportunities.

Sean’s emerging leadership in this developing field was recognised on a global platform when he won the 2020 Smart Cities Leaders Award for Australia and New Zealand.

You can connect with Sean via LinkedIn where he regularly shares thought-provoking articles and updates.

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • What on earth are smart cities, digital twins, and regulations as code…

  • How to leverage these high-tech sounding jargon so communities can make the world a better place.

  • Empowering stories on how Wellington City Council has taken quick action due to data being used in an accessible and interactive way.

  • A smart and practical suggestion to dig deeper into this type of innovation in a low risk and fun way.

Resources mentioned in this episode

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